Station de train Winterthur

Rental prices in Winterthur – compared with Zürich

Zurich is not the only attractive destination for city lovers. Winterthur has also a lot to offer and has advantage of a...

How to find the perfect cleaning lady

Are you stressed at work or simply don't feel like cleaning the house? Then it makes sense to hire a cleaning lady to...

Moving from Zurich to Chur

Chur is currently experiencing  increase in popularity, especially among students. The University of Applied Sciences Graubünden offers exciting training opportunities. For those who...

Move from Switzerland to Germany

If you are considering moving from Switzerland to Germany, you should properly plan things. Moving to Germany means that your new place...

Painting before moving out

Should you do it yourself or hire a professional? When moving into new apartment, it is often necessary to get the old...

Moving at Christmas/New Year’s: Find out why it’s a good idea...

Christmas is approaching, this year is coming to its end. During this time, very few people think of moving. But right now, you should...

Moving to another canton: What you need to know

It's almost time to move into your new home and leave the old community and canton. But is it the same as moving within...
couple qui remplit cartons de demenagement

Moving on Sunday/holiday: Is it an option?

Weekdays can be quite busy and therefore it is sometimes difficult to find time for a move. That’s why a lot of people rather...

The 7 most important questions for Swiss moving companies

What are the advantages of a moving company? What are the moving costs when hiring a moving company? When do I have to contact moving company? How...
Jeune couple nettoie salon après Noël

Tips & Tricks for New Year’s cleaning

Each year after Christmas, we are celebrating the turn of the year and the beginning of a new one.